From Khomeinism to ISIS

12:30 AM


- From Khomeinism to ISIS (in the name of Islam)

• Before Islamic fundamentalism was recognized as a global threat by the international community. On this day, Khomeini issued one of the first "death Fatwa's" justifying the killing of an author named Salman Rushdie, the writer of "satanic verses"

• Fatwa is a ruling point given by recognized authorities having the role to explain Islam and guide the faithful in modern matters that were not previously tackled by scholars or specifically addressed by the Quran.

• Khomeini issued this death "fatwa" when the book wasn't even translated into Farsi at that time. Khomeini didn't even read the book.

• regardless, after the Iran-Iraq war, in order to divert public attention from his crimes against humanity and accountability in 2 million lives and $1 trillion dollars being lost in the war, Khomeini disguised his true intentions for export of terrorism with this theocratic justification of killing in the name of Islam.

• since then, many authors, intellectuals and artists have been threatened and killed because of fatwas issued by the mullah's both in Iran and globally.

• Today, fundamentalist terrorist groups like ISIS which have only existed for some years compared to the mullahs regime act and preach as the mullahs in our country do.

• After the Charlie Hebdo massacre, a document was discovered by the French police on the computer of Cherif Kouachi, one of the ISIS fundamentalists responsible for the January 7 killings in Paris, which showed that he had called the decree by Khomeini to kill Rushdie as "fully justified".

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